Where are Millbrook Mushrooms served?
We get these questions and comments all the time.
“Who is serving Millbrook Mushrooms?”
“We want to try your mushrooms.”
“Where can I find Millbrook Mushrooms?”
“Are local restaurants using your mushrooms?”
“Which restaurants should I visit to have your mushrooms?”
We are so grateful for the Rockwall, Dallas, and Hot Springs, AR communities asking about our mushrooms and wanting to try them at restaurants and at events!
And we are beyond grateful and blessed for the restaurants and countless Chefs who have warmly welcomed us into their restaurant, supported our farm, and incorporated our mushrooms with their culinary creations; whether as featured specials or as their mushroom purveyor.
So much appreciation to following restaurants & chefs who support our mushroom farm:
501 Prime & The Bourbon Bar | Hot Springs, AR
Bin303 | Rockwall, TX
Blue Heaven Restaurant & Bar | Benton, AR
Cafe Mi Amor | Hot Springs, AR
Charlie’s Burgers and Street Tacos | Rockwall, TX
DONS Southern Social | Hot Springs, AR
Fable & Fire Bookshop Cafe | Rockwall, TX
Luna Bella | Hot Springs, AR
Petra & the Beast | Dallas, TX
Tate Farms | Rockwall, TX
The Downing Bottle & Bites | Rockwall, TX
Wade’s Landing | Rockwall, TX
Zanata | Rockwall, TX
Our farm has the capacity to support more chefs and restaurants with our high quality gourmet culinary mushrooms.
If there is a restaurant you recommend, an event that may value our mushrooms, or if you are a chef and have an interest, please let us know! We are always willing to provide a Chef’s sample to experience Millbrook Mushrooms firsthand to see how our mushrooms may be incorporated in any menu and enhance any dish.
Fresh, high quality mushrooms, farm to table. That’s our commitment here at Millbrook Mushrooms.
We look forward to our continued expansion into the growing communities who love mushrooms!